About Priority Management
55 Offices Around the Globe
At Priority, we seamlessly deploy best practice training to benefit our client partners with proven, and lasting productivity advances.
Our network of offices in major markets around the globe work in concert to develop and implement industry-leading solutions that work to encourage change in behaviour through the advanced use of existing industry-standard tools.
Our client partners also enjoy the benefits of local market expertise working to customize training to match each specific client's needs.

Paul Yuck
President & CEO
In 1993, Paul Yuck began his career with Priority Management as a sales executive in our Ottawa office, and soon after took on the role of Regional Managing Director.
Under his leadership, the Ottawa office grew to the number one Global sales office for 5 consecutive years. During those years, Paul travelled to Australia, Europe and the United States to better understand the global issues faced by our clients
His passion for helping individuals and teams develop the skills to succeed in the 21st century will ensure Priority Management remains a global leader in people development.